The "J-Wack"
The “J-Wack” is a specially designed tool, used to install both the VinPost Repair and the VinPost Sentinel.
It hooks into the slots on the front of the VinPost. This takes the impact point from the top of the post, and repositions it to the side of the post at knee height, and away from the canopy and the trellising. This reduces the chance of injury and the damage to the trellising and vine.
The VinPosts are driven approximately 600mm into the ground, with the “J-Wack” using a standard jackhammer or Post Knocker.
The J-Wack is engineered from a single piece of ~30mm steel plate. The hook plate and anvil are the possible wear points. These are made from laser cut hardened steel. They are designed to be replaceable should they wear out. These are exclusively available from VinPost.

The Screws

Bremick Screws
We recommend and supply Bremick 75mm internal 5mm hex head galvanised screws. The top screw pulls the broken post back against the VinPost Repair. There are several holes to allow for maximum purchase. The angled screws pull the sharp steel edges into the pine post. The angle of these screws entering the pine post ensure unequalled hold and will not pull out.
These screws are available from VinPost directly or from most good hardware stores.
See the videos below to find out more about VinPost’s installation.